Q. Why should I buy a Boett Blanket when there are now other, cheaper, midge rugs available?
A. The Boett Blanket is a totally unique product. It was the first occlusive blanket to be manufactured and it has undergone thorough testing on tens of thousands of horses over the last 25 years and proved itself as the world's favourite. The design has been constantly improved and the clever fabric is made exclusively for Boett. If you are offered a product "exactly like a Boett" someone is not telling you the truth!
Q. How does The Boett work?
A. Because of its unique fabric (not a mesh that midges might bite through) and clever design
the Blanket stops midges biting the skin, preventing the allergic reaction called Sweet Itch. The Blanket is not impregnated with insecticide or midge repellent, avoiding the undesirable side
effects often associated with these chemicals. The Blanket can be machine-washed and tumble dried and, if it is accidentally torn, it can be easily repaired
Q. How quickly will I see results if I use a Boett?
A. As soon as the blanket is fitted midges can no longer bite the areas most prone to Sweet Itch. However it normally takes from 7 to 21 days for dead and damaged skin cells (the cause of the extreme itchiness associated with Sweet Itch) to be re-absorbed. During that time the horse will continue to show a degree of itchiness.
Q. Is the Blanket waterproof?
A. The Boett fabric is treated with a water-and grease-repellent during manufacture, so that the Blanket will dry rapidly after rain and not become clogged with grease. However the open texture of the fabric is designed to allow moisture to pass freely through. if the blanket was made waterproof, the horse would sweat too much during warm weather.
Q.. Will my horse over-heat in hot weather when he is wearing the blanket?
A. No, the Boett fabric has a shading rather than an insulating effect. Veterinary test results agree with our own observations that horses wearing the blanket are cooler than their field companions exposed to the full sun.
Q. When should my horse start/stop wearing his blanket?
A. This depends on where you live. As a general guide for European countries the blanket should be in place not later than early March and be worn until November. You need to be vigilant and remember prevention of Sweet Itch is better than cure: An increasing number live in their Blanket all year round
Q. Should my horse wear the blanket in his stable?
A. The Blanket is designed to be worn 24 hours per day, every day by horses at
grass. However if circumstances are such that he has to be stabled for part of the day then he should wear his blanket, unless you are able to completely stop midges entering the stable -
very difficult!
Q. Can I keep the Blanket on when I ride my horse?
A. Yes, during particularly midgey evenings you can ride out with the Blanket in place. The
belly-flap and hood (if worn) are removed and the back leg straps loosened. The stirrups conveniently hang below the bottom hem of the Blanket.
Q. Will midges crawl under the blanket?
A. Culicoides are not good walkers - they land where they intend to feed and they make their way down the hair shafts to the skin. They will not crawl under the blanket.